Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fugu Me? No, No, No...Fugu You!

Today was the birthday of a student in my class, and to celebrate, he wanted to try fugu. It was a day that I knew would be coming (it’s impossible to visit Japan without thinking about trying it), but one that I was a little uneasy about. Trust me, I’m not opposed to immersing myself in the culture, I just never planned on dying because I ate some fish.

For those of you who don’t know, Fugu is the Japanese word for pufferfish, and the dish prepared from it. It is one of the most celebrated and notorious dishes in this country because the pufferfish is lethally poisonous, and deadly if not prepared correctly.

So we headed to Tentake, a famous Fugu restaurant in Tsukiji (pronounced "Ski-Gee"), in the Fish Market district.

Our plate of Fugu sashimi (raw pufferfish without rice; sushi is raw fish with rice)...

Call it my daring side, call me brave…or just call it stupid, but I figured what’s the worst that could happen? Oh yeah…nevermind.

The "taste of death"...

Turns out, no one was poisoned (the chefs who prepare it have to pass a test and earn a special license, so it’s actually very safe), and everyone enjoyed the chance to experience a real Japanese delicacy, and a once in a lifetime opportunity.

I say that because, after doing it, I doubt I’ll do it again. Another great experience in Japan. I can see the headlines now: “Nick Bono defeats death; enjoys lunch.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nick, WOW.....good for you, glad you are enjoying the culture!

We actually did something similar the other day and very very cautiously handled and prepared some fish. It was very dangerous b/c we were not sure exactly what kind it was but were positive it would taste good.

It had a delicate batter, a bit of tarter sauce along with a very nice bun.

It was excellent to say the least and we all survived thank goodness.

I have a call into Mayor McCheese at McDonalds to ask them what type of fish they use in their Filet-O-Fish!

We love the Blog, thanks for sharing and as always, let us know if you need anything!

Oh - By the way, we think that restaurant with the cardboard menu stole that idea from us b/c that's what we use when we have company !

And Nicolas wants to say he hoped you enjoyed the "PORK" fish....HA HA.....

Bye for now.

The Bono Gang!