Thursday, February 7, 2008

Transport #2

Just a few more vehicles that I've been lucky enough to capture on film:

The first Smart car I've seen. For scale, the mailbox to the right is almost as big as its hood. These will be arriving in the States in months...

A couple of interesting looking sub-compact SUV's. The Suzuki on the right was about as big as a Mini Cooper...

Yes! A Jeep Wrangler. American-made car #2 that I've seen. Although, for the life of me, I have no idea why anyone not living on a mountain would want to own one in this country...

Yes, this looks like an antique car, or one of the Midgets you see college professors driving, but as it turns out, these are everywhere, and this one is probably only a year or two old...

Mercedez Benz A190 4-door. They also make a 2-door that looks like the Smart car (above), just to give you some idea on the size...

Another "kei" car (their term for a subcompact urban driver), by Mitsubishi...

The Nissan Note. Probably no bigger than a PT cruiser, yet built like an SUV...

Yes friends, a rickshaw. Unfortunately, they are resigned in Japan to a novelty, a lot like the horse-and-carriages on the Plaza of KC, MO...

The one, and only, pick-up I have seen. One truck. Sort of like Oklahoma.......NOT.

Called the "Velo Taxi", these are fairly common in certain parts of the city (mainly major shopping squares) where walking can be too tiring, but where taking a full-fledged taxi just doesn't make sense...

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